
Appointment Scheduling Software


End of Service Notice (4/1/2022): It has been our pleasure to provide our customers with quality PC software for over 30 years. As of 4/1/2022, all installable PC-based products and tools will no longer be available for sale. To help you transition to other solutions, we will continue to support these products through 3/31/2023. You can continue to use our products after 3/31/2023. Thank you for your business!

Appointment Scheduling Software for Consultants

Our appointment scheduling software, Client Appointment Manager, is used to schedule thousands of clients in consulting firms. We’re confident Client Appointment Manager can help your office.

Scheduling Software Benefits
Customer List


Appointment Scheduling Software Benefits

Our scheduling software allows you to:

  • Stay on time
  • Avoid missed appointments or conflicts
  • Improve communication with staff and with clients

Stay on timeStay on time

An easy to read schedule is critical to keeping an office on track. With Client Appointment Manager, you can view appointments at-a-glance on screen or quickly print a report of the day’s appointments. Sharing the scheduling information with more than one computer keeps everyone up-to-date.



Avoid missed appointments or conflictsAvoid missed appointments or conflicts

Reduce the number of no-shows and cancellations when you send e-mail or letter reminders using Client Appointment Manager. Also, turn on the warning feature in Client Appointment Manager and put an end to double-booking appointments.



Improve communication with staff and with clientsImprove communication with staff and with clients

With information at your fingertips, you will be able to focus on serving the clients’ needs. You can quickly change appointments or update client information. E-mail appointment information to employees so they can stay informed.



Consulting Customer List

Client Appointment Manager scheduling software is trusted by many professionals, including consultants. Here are just a few of our customers: 

5 Star Appraisal
Barr & Associates
Big Horn County Counseling
Coco Finer and Citron
Computer Team, Inc.
Consumer Credit Counseling Service
Data Just Data, Inc.
Harris Consulting Services
Integral Technologies, LLC
Interventions Unlimited, Inc.
Lightning Media Consulting
MARS Computer, LLC
Oriye Company Limited
OSS Computers, LLC
Pool Management Systems
Promised Land Consulting